Pakistan Army Captain Salary, Uniform and Facilities

Pakistan Army Captain salary, Uniform, and Facilities are mention here completely in everything. Because most candidates are want to get how to know about these things of Captain of Pakistan Army. Like that Salary, scale, incentives, Uniform, rank, and also facilitation. Pak Army Captains are also getting uniform after joining Pak Army. They all the officers of the Army lover the country therefore mostly Army officers only can select for giving their services around the place of Siachen or Waziristan with a minimum salary package. All the Army captains get their salary with the double amount due to hard and waste areas duties. Such as Iran or Siberia because Pak Army mostly captains are that areas for the United Nation Peace mission.

Now we will be providing each and every knowledge regarding Pakistan Army Captain officer Salary, Uniform, and facilities on this page. According to the salary structure of the Pak Army captain which has been obtaining salary among 45,000 PKR to 55,000 PKR.

Pakistan Army Captain Salary, Uniform, and Facilities

The basic pay scale of the Pak Army captain is BPS-17. The captain is waiting for five years in which that salary range. Because after that five years period Captain becomes the Major of the Pak Army. According to the age session of the captain so he completes their duty five years period from 24 to 29 years. Salary Rs. 45,000/- are gets mostly young’s captain or junior but after some period when they become most seniors captain. So then they are getting a salary of Rs. 55,000/-.

Pakistan Army Salary, Uniform and Facilities

During duty of the Pak, Army Captains have also get many of the other facilities or privileges. Like that other government department by the Pakistan Army after showing the best performance. Many of the benefits such as free medical treatments for him. A house is given in case of married marital status and an apartment is given in case of single or unmarried status. However, all children’s schools expenses, and also great benefits at the PIA. In fact, all army employees or officers can easily move to any destination with 50% discount fare. So which all facilities are given by the Pakistan Army to their officers/employees.

faisal khan

Faisal Khan with M.Com Degree have vast exposure and Knowledge about Education and Students Problems. He also Provide Many Career Counseling Tips and Guiding Articles to Studysols for Students ease.

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